Thursday, January 10, 2008

The hectic semester

I could not blog {except for the Steve Jobs' quotes through Google Docs} for 10 days...
The main culprit being a semester full of classes and labs{though machines lab will end by Feb first week}
However I have decided to stop complaining and start working on my plans for coming year.
Yesterday Gaurav, Abhijit, Harsh, Sunil and me had a sort of advisory presentation to first years {EEE guys}, we called it Orientation but it was in no sense academic. It was a sort of planner for those guys for their next three years in NITC. I think it was a great success. It was combined effort of EEA 2nd year execs and the 3rd year execs.
Moving on I am currently trying for various summer research programs. I have finally decided its research that I want. So accordingly I have some project ideas and trying to figure out more.
The Sydney Test would be regarded next to the Eng-Pak match which was awarded to England { I dont remember the exact date and venue}. But India must work harder for the coming matches and I feel it can still save the series.
I feel my blog sometimes becomes just a collection of my daily chores.... no plannning just random thoughts and then abrupt ending. I started off with an official blog but have not posted since December 7th. I will certainly post my updates and collection on electrical engineering in future posts trical guys watch out that corner.

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